What fabric is our future made of? What is natural, what is synthetic?
UnDesignUnit conceived for BIOTOPIA – Naturkundemuseum Bayern the one-day festival »Hautnah – Stoff der Zukunft« (skin close – fabric of the future). With formats developed especially for the occasion, such as the Mitmach lab or the Hautnah display, a podium discussion with an international cast and a lecture series, visitors could experience current developments in the life sciences and material research and their application in fashion and design – from the first material experiment through to wearable clothing. The BIOTOPIA-Fest explored the interplay between »natural« and »artificial« as well as »organic« and »manmade« and combined historic samples and current research with its first applications into a unique experience.
UnDesignUnit invited internationally renowned designers who work at the juncture between design and natural sciences and facilitate the access to highly complex scientific subjects in a playful and engaging manner. The specifically developed interactive formats invited a large audience to question the conventional and ordinary and to take on new perspectives.
Participants (amongst others):
Paola Antonelli, Bionicum Nürnberg, Fakultät Design – Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, Iris van Herpen, Suzanne Lee, Julia Lohmann, Material Stories, Maurizio Montalti, Fiorenzo Omenetto, Veronica Ranner, Diana Scherer, Studio Blond & Bieber, SNSB-Zoologische Staatliche Sammlung, Otilia Vlad
Photos: Andreas Heddergott